To calculate (Cumulative Grade Point Average) CGPA to percentage and percentage to CGPA, you can use a simple conversion formula.

Convert CGPA to Percentage
Convert Percentage to CGPA
Tips & Explanation
- CGPA to Percentage: In the Indian education system, CGPA is converted to percentage using the formula:
Percentage = CGPA × 9.5
. This formula is generally applicable for most Indian universities. - Percentage to CGPA: To convert your percentage back to CGPA, use the formula:
CGPA = Percentage ÷ 9.5
. This conversion can be useful for students applying to institutions that follow CGPA. - Why 9.5? The factor of 9.5 is used because it is determined by many Indian universities to map the CGPA scale (0 to 10) to a percentage scale (0 to 100). It has been found that this factor provides an accurate conversion.
- Limitations: This conversion formula works for the general educational systems following the CGPA model. However, individual universities may use slightly different methods, so always verify with your institution’s guidelines.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- What is CGPA? CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, and it is a grading system used by many Indian universities to assess a student’s overall academic performance.
- Can the CGPA to Percentage conversion be different? Yes, while the general formula (CGPA × 9.5) is widely accepted, some universities may use a different factor for conversion. Always refer to your university’s guidelines.
- What is the use of CGPA to Percentage Conversion? It is useful for students who need to apply to institutions or employers that require a percentage scale rather than CGPA for their academic qualifications.
- Why do we need the 9.5 factor? The factor 9.5 ensures that the CGPA (out of 10) can be appropriately converted to a percentage (out of 100), based on the grading system used by most universities in India.
- This method works for institutions that follow the 9.5 conversion scale.
- Some universities may use different scales, so always check the specific guidelines provided by your institution for more accurate conversion.
- This formula is widely used in many educational institutions, especially in India, to convert a percentage score into a CGPA on a 10-point scale.