What is SGPA?
SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) is a measure of a student’s academic performance during a particular semester. You can easily calculate percentage from SGPA with our simple tool. It’s often used by universities to represent a student’s average grade points. However, many students prefer to see their grades as a percentage since it’s more commonly understood. If you’re wondering how to calculate percentage from SGPA, the process is quite easy and can be done using a straightforward formula.
Calculate Percentage from SGPA
Grading Table
Marks Range | Grade | Grade Points |
91-100 | O | 10 |
81-90 | A+ | 9 |
71-80 | A | 8 |
61-70 | B+ | 7 |
56-60 | B | 6 |
50-55 | C | 5 |
40-49 | P | 4 |
0-39 | F | 0 |
Absent | AB | 0 |
SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average): SGPA is the weighted average of grade points obtained in all subjects during a specific semester. It provides a numerical representation of a student’s academic performance in that semester. The grades earned in each subject are converted into grade points, which are then multiplied by the respective credit hours of the subject.
How SGPA is Calculated:
SGPA is calculated using the following formula:
SGPA = (Sum of Grade Points × Credits) ÷ Total Credits
Here, the grade points are assigned based on the grades you receive (e.g., O = 10, A+ = 9, etc.). Credits refer to the weightage assigned to a subject (e.g., a major subject might have 4 credits, while a minor subject might have 2 credits).
CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): CGPA is the overall weighted average of SGPA across all semesters. It reflects the student’s performance over the entire course or program.
CGPA is calculated using the formula:
CGPA = (Sum of All SGPA × Semester Credits) ÷ Total Credits
This gives a single value summarizing your academic performance throughout the course.
Conversion of SGPA to Percentage:
Different universities and institutions follow specific formulas to convert SGPA to percentage. The most commonly used formula in Indian universities is:
Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) × 10
This formula is standardized for many academic boards, but it’s always recommended to check with your institution for the correct conversion method.
- If your SGPA is 8.5, the percentage would be:
(8.5 - 0.75) × 10 = 77.5%
. - If your SGPA is 9.2, the percentage would be:
(9.2 - 0.75) × 10 = 84.5%
Why Conversion is Needed:
SGPA is widely accepted for academic evaluation, but many organizations, higher education institutions, and employers request percentage scores for consistency. Converting SGPA to a percentage simplifies comparisons with other grading systems around the world.
Importance of SGPA:
SGPA provides a snapshot of your semester’s performance, helping you understand areas for improvement. A higher SGPA can improve your CGPA, which is essential for securing scholarships, placements, and admission to higher studies.
Percentage = (SGPA - 0.75) × 10
. This is an approximation and can vary by university.