As all of us known that we are in the world of competition. It is a prior thing to develop our general knowledge through which one can stand in a good position in the competitive examinations. It is must to know some important G.K questions. There are some top G.K questions which are frequently asked in many types of competitive exams. Technical knowledge not only help us in all times so in this article we are trying to give some Top GK Questions for CLAT and Top GK Questions of India to improve your general knowledge.

- The upper house of Indian Parliament is known as – The Rajya Sabha
- Which is the house where the Chairperson is not the member of that house – Rajya Sabha
- The first mid-term elections for Lok Sabha were held in – 1971
- Finance bill of Indian Government is presented in – Lower House
- The Chairperson of the Lok Sabha is designated as – Speaker
- Which states has only one member of the Lok Sabha – Sikkim
- Which Indian state had the first woman Chief Minister – Uttar Pradesh
- Who appoints the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir – The President of India
- Who has the right to transfer any case anywhere in India – Supreme Court
- The Contingency Fund of the State is operated by – The Governor of the State
- Fist president of India who died while in office- Zakir Hussain.
- The first British viceroy of India-Lord Cannin.
- The longest Corridor in India?- Rameshwaram temple Corridor.
- Who won the Nobel Prize for peace in the year 2014?- Malala Yousafzai & Kailash Satyarthi.
- The First women Airline pilot-Durga Benarjee.
- Father of Indian space program?- Vikram Sarabhai.
- City of festivals?- Madurai.
- Study of insects is known as- Entomology.
- Instrument is used to measure heat- Calorimeter.
- River Krishna is originated from- Western Ghats.
- Founder of Buddhism Buddha’s original name- Siddhartha.
- Queen of Arabian sea- Cochin.
- Silicon city of India- Bangalore.
- The study of sound & sound waves- Acoustics.
- Deficiency of vitamin-A leads to disease- Night blindness, Xeropthalmia.
- Instrument used for recording & origin of intensity of earthquakes – Seismograph.
- Sound level while a rocket taking off- 130db.
- Moto of Olympic games- Citus-Altius-Fortius (faster-higher-stronger).
- World press freedom day is on – 3rd May.
- United Nations Organization headquarters is at – New York.
- Abbreviation of LASER- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
- Wake up India book was written by- Annie Besant.
- Capital city of Sri Lanka- Colombo.
- Countries which have currency as Rupee- India, Mauritius, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
- First Asian to receive Nobel prize- Rabindranath Tagore.
- First test tube baby in the world – Louise Joy Brown (1978).
- Number of International Air Ports in India- 21.
- Largest planetarium in India- The Birla planetarium, Kolkata.
- British Commonwealth of nations is an association of- 54 nations.
- The book “ Ignited Minds- Unleashing the power within India” is written by- A.P.J. Kalam.
- Number of islands in Lakshsdweep- 36
- Day on which constituent assembly adopted national anthem- 24th January 1950.
- The Panama canal is different from Suez canal as it has – lock system.
- The space retaining life in any form is called – Biosphere.
- Nobel prizes are annually distributed at – Stockholm.
- Vitamin B12 helps in fighting against- Aneamia.
- Which technology giant became the first company to reach a market value of $700 billions- Apple.
- National youth day in India is celebrated on the birthday of- Swami Vivekananda.
- Who is the Metro man of India – E.Sreedharan.
- IRTC has partnered with _______ e-commerce portal for online shopping- Amazon.
- _______state government has launched Bhagya Sree scheme for girl child welfare- Maharashtra.
- Which is the most abundant mineral in human body? – Calcium.
- Numismatics is the study of – Currency& coins.
- Which gas is used in cigarette lighters?- Butane.
- River Mahanadi is originated from – Chhattisgarh.
- Forward Marketing Commission ( FMC) is the chief regulator of – Commodity market.
- Air pollution from vehicles can be controlled by fitting – Catalytic converter.
- Kingdoms which were associated with the life of Budda – Kosala & Magadha.
- The seasonal reverse of winds is typically characteristic of – Monsoon climate.
- Tungsten is used for the construction of filament in bulb because of – High resistance.
- Disease Elephantiasis is caused by organism- Wuchereria bancrofti.
- Inactive Nitrogen and Argon gases are usually used in electric bulbs in order to- increase the life time of filament.
- Arihant is a- Nuclear-powered Ballistic Missile.
- Baiji oil refinery is located at – Iraq.
- The site of cellular respiration in animal call is-Mitochondria
- Dropsy in a disease caused due to adulteration in- mustard oil
- National science day in India is celebrated on-28th February.
- First Moughal to prohibit sati – Akbar.
- ICDS stands- Integrated Child Development Services.
- Squirrel’s nest is called – Drey.
- Among the 12 gods of Olympus, the God of Beauty and Love – Aphrodite.
- Fundamental rights are borrowed from the constitution of – America.
- London is located on the bank of – Thames.
- First Muslim women ruler of India was – Sulthan Raziya.
- The highest peak of Eastern Ghats of India is – Mahendragiri.
- Ozone day is celebrated on – 25th September.
- Gas used for artificial ripening of fruits – Acetylene.
- ‘Statue of Liberty’ is the national Emblem for – America.
- ‘UNBREAKABLE’ is the autobiography of _____, famous Indian sports person – M.C.Mary Kom .
- Kerosene usually contains mixture of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers – C12 to C16.
- The tragedy of Jallianwala Bagh Mascare in April 1919 occurred at – Amritsar.
- Latin America, Asia and Africa are jointly said to belong to the – Third world.
- First session of the Indian National Congress was held at – Bombay (Mumbai).
- The surface temperature of sun is around – 6000˚ C.
- Acid rain is caused by – SO2 and NO2.
- _____satellites help in telecast T.V. network programs, all over country- Insat-IB.
- April 22 is celebrated every year as- earth Day.
- Who was called as the “Shakespeare of India”? – Kalidas.
- The acronym “YAHOO” stands for – Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
- A liquid drop attains spherical shape due to – Surface Tension.
- The head quarters of “United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) is at – Nairobi, Kenya.
- Program introduced by Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to strengthen power transmission and network distribution was – Integrated Power Development Scheme.(IPDS).
- Guindy national park is located in – Chennai, Tamilnadu.
- ________is a big centre for Rolled Gold Ornaments- Machilipatnam.
- Author of famous book “The Hound of Baskervillie”- Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle.
- Which year was declared as International year of poverty eradication?- 1996.
- First five year plan in India (1951-56) gave importance to – Agriculture, Irrigation.
- The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) first meeting was held at – Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Balloon was invented by – Jacques & Joseph Montgolfier.(1783), France.
- Country having lowest population – Vatican City.
- Fountain pen was the great work of – Lewis E Waterman (1884), USA.
- Eden Gardens is one of the famous cricket stadium situated in- Kolkata.
- NASSCOM Stands for – National Association of Software and Service Companies.
- The Leaning Tower of Pisa is located in – Italy.
- ‘Pradhana Mantri jan-Dhan Yojana’ has been launched for- promoting financial inclusion in the country.
- In India the steel production industry requires the import of- Cooking Coal.
- Ozone layer of the Earth’s atmosphere is important for living organism as it- prevents the entry of harmful UV rays.
- LED are the latest technology in energy-efficient lighting. The expansion of LED is- Light Emitting Diode.
- Number of PIN (Postal Index Number) code Zones in India – 9.
- 100. September 5th is celebrated as Teacher’s Day on the memory of – Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan.
Top GK Questions With Answers for Competitive Exams and Entrance Examinations for all Classes and in this section there are many questions related to quiz related, Banking Awareness, General Questions for school and college students and also for UPSC, SSC, Group Services, CHSL, SI Exams Constable Exams, APPSC, RRB, RRC, TSPSC, JL, DL, GENCO, DEE CET, LAWCET and all other Competitive Exams. Each and every student should have an idea about General Knowledge. So, In view of that we focused mainly important and previous asked questions in various examinations like Talent Test for different classes like Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 upto Class 12. So, be update and stay tuned regularly so that you can gain more knowledge which is useful for School, College Quiz Competitions.
- The First Bank in India – Bank of Hindustan
- First Governor of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) – Mr. Osborne Smith
- First Indian Governor of RBI – C.D. Deshmukh
- First Bank to Introduce ATM in India – HSBC in 1987 (Mumbai)
- First Bank to Introduce ATM in the world – Bank of Barclays in 1967 (London). ATM Founder- John Shepherd
- First Bank to Introduce Saving Bank in India – Presidency Bank in 1830
- First Bank to Introduce Cheque System in India – Bengal Bank in 1784
- First Bank to Introduce Internet Banking – ICICI Bank
- First Bank to Introduce Mutual Fund – State Bank of India (SBI)
- First Bank to Introduce Credit Card in India – Central Bank of India
- First Universal Bank in India – ICICI Bank
- First Indian Bank opened outside the country – Bank of India at London in 1946
- First Foreign Bank in India – Comptoir d’Escompte De Paris of France in 1860
- First Indian Bank to get ISO – Canara Bank
- First all Women Employee’s Bank in India – Bhartiya Mahila Bank
- First Bank in India to Introduce Talking ATMs for disabled persons – Union Bank of India
- First Regional Rural Bank named Prathama Grameen Bank was started by – Syndicate Bank
- First Indian Bank to start with Indian Capital – Punjab National Bank (Founder of PNB-Lala Lajpat Rai)
- First Bank in India listed in New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) – ICICI Bank
- First Joint Stock Bank of India – Allahabad Bank
- British Governor General of Bengal – Warren Hastings
- Governor General of Independent India – Lord Mountbatten
- Commander in Chief of Free India – General Roy Butcher
- Cosmonaut – Rakesh Sharma
- Emperor of Mughal Dynasty in India – Babar
- Field Marshal – S.H.F.J. Manekshaw
- Indian Governor General of Indian Union – C. Rajagopalachari
- Indian I.C.S Officer – Satyendranath Tagore
- Indian Member of Viceroys’ Executive Council – Sri. S.P Sinha
- Indian to swim across English Channel – Mihir Sen
- Man to Climb Mount Everest – Tenzing Norgay, Hillary
- Man to climb Mount Everest twice – Nwang Gombu
- Noble Prize winner – Rabindranath Tagore
- President of Indian National Congress – W.C. Banerjee
- President of Indian Republic – Dr. Rajendra Prasad
- Who is responsible for Registration of Voters – Election Commission
- Which Commodity forms the single largest item of India’s import – Petroleum Products
- Magsaysay Award is name after a former President of which Country – Philippines
- “God of Small Things” novel written by – Arundhati Roy
- It is not a West Flowing river in India – Krishna
- Rainfall is decreasing due to – Deforestation
- The first satellite set up by the Indian Space Organisation was – Aryabhatta
- ‘Court’ is related to ‘Justice’ in the same way ‘School’ is related to – Education
- UN declared 2015 as International year of – Soil
- Human Rights Day is Celebrated manually across the world on – 10th December
- Bio-Diesel is obtained from which plant – Jatropha
- Upanishads are books on – Philosophy
- Persons with which blood group are called Universal Donors – O
- Which tree shed their broad leafs in a particular season – Deciduous
- Voting behaviour means – Study of the factor that influence the choice of the voters
- Paradip port is located on – Odisha
- The Permanent members of United Nations Security Council are – China, France, Russia, U.K. and U.S.
- Which school activist is best known for her role in Narmada Bachao Andolan – Medha Patkar
- Ozone layer is Significant for – Protecting plant and animal life on earth’s surface
- Who is the father of Indian Renaissance – Raja Ram Mohan Roy
- It is not member of ASEAN – Bangladesh
- Who is the Pioneer of Indian Green Revolution – M.S. Swaminathan
- World’s longest river – Nile
- 29th State of India – Telangana
- In India every year National Voter’s Day observed on – 25th January
- Every year World Water Day is observed on – March 22nd
- National Good Governance Day was observed on the Birthday of – Atal Bihari Vajpayee
- The Capital of Andhra Pradesh – Amaravathi
- Planning Commission is Scrapped and replaced by – NITI Ayog
- ILO headquarter is located at – Geneva
- It is not a negotiable instrument – Bill of Exchange
- It is not a correct about Right to Information Act – Enforceable against all
- For th Purpose of Conspiracy minimum number of persons required is – Three
- The power of Judicial review in India is enjoyed by – The Supreme Court and High Courts
- The Right to Education is a – Fundamental Right
- The Rajya Sabha has Maximum Strength of members – 250
- When can the President of India issue the Ordinance – When both houses are is not in Session
- Crimes Committed use Computer Technology are called – Cyber Crimes
- The Council of Ministers is responsible to – Parliament
- Court Cannot enforce – Moral obligations
- The tenure of a Supreme Court Judge of India is – 5 years
- In India, Writ petitions can be filed – Either Supreme Court or High Court
- Which one of the following writs is in case of illegal detention – Habeas Corpus
- Beyond what distance from the coast, is the sea known as “High Sea” – 12 Nautical Mile’s
- ‘Court of Record’ is a court which – Can Punish for Contempt
- Medical Sciences used for investigating crimes is known as – Forensic Science
- Joint heirs to a property are called – Co-Parceners
- Which Legal System applicable to India – Common Law System
- It is not an Organ of a State – LIC
- A Collegium is a group of – Judges